Friday, September 3, 2010

September 3, 2000

Today was our day to attend to that particular bit of unfinished business that Bernard had saved from his previous trip as a “reason” to come back (as if he needed a reason!): Versailles.
We took the RER C line, but where we connected with it doesn’t matter as we won’t be repeating that day trip. Looking at the surrounding area was more fun than waiting in line at that colossal heap of dark, depressing overdone rooms (not a one of which had a bookshelf!). I’d describe Versailles as EuroVegas, 17th-century Donald Trump, and for the same reason: a man who apparently feels teeny-weeny and has a lot to prove . .. and does so with glitzy excess. I wouldn’t have been a bit surprised to find the front of the building emblazoned with the klieg-lit words ‘Trump Versailles.”
We walked along a nearby street in the town, eventually having lunch at the first café we’d seen on our walk from the train, St. Claire’s. That was our first experience with bathrooms that aren’t free but require a 2F piece.
Back to Paris – love those words! – for dinner, which we had at an Indian place near the hotel, after some walking around and finding that most places are closed on Sunday.

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