Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bibliotheque des Litteratures Policieres

For the second time this trip, we went to the Bibliotheque des Litteratures Policieres, 48-50 Cardinal Lemoine. The first time, the Hammett exhibit was still in preparation but by no means complete.
Librarian Katrina Chauchard was most hospitable -- even sent to archives for the issues of Le Saint Detective Magazine that my stories are in so I could have the kick of [re]reading my work in French. What a way to brush up on a language!
Having promised Katrina we'd go back when the rest of the Dashiell Hammett exhibit was in place, we went again today. We were sorry Katrina wasn't on duty, but her colleague, Michelle Witta, whom I'd previously met there a few years ago, promised to give her our regards. She also wrote down everyone's name, including that of Dominique Floirat, who'd worked on the Hammett exhibitiion. Excellent!
Merci beaucoup encore a Katrina et Michelle pour vos acceuils.

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